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picture1_Confidence Pdf 231820 | 171 Item Download 2023-03-03 18-54-02

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File: Confidence Pdf 231820 | 171 Item Download 2023-03-03 18-54-02
jeppiaar institute of technology self belief self discipline self respect department of computer science and engineering lecture notes ge8076 professional ethics in engineering regulation 2017 year semester iv 08 cse ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Jeppiaar institute of technology self belief discipline respect department computer science and engineering lecture notes ge professional ethics in regulation year semester iv cse prepared by dr k tamilarasi associate professor unit i human values morals integrity work ethic service learning civic virtue for others living peacefully caring sharing honesty courage valuing time cooperation commitment empathy confidence character spirituality introduction to yoga meditation excellence stress management moral are relative that protect life respectful the dual value great such as truth freedom charity etc have one thing common when they functioning correctly protecting or enhancing all but still our must be constantly examined make sure always performing their mission examples do not vandalize property cheat keep your promises treat you want treated judge definition humans unique ability define identity choose establish beliefs three these directly influence a person s behavior people gone ...

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