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picture1_Ethics Pdf 231718 | Phil 5114 S17

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File: Ethics Pdf 231718 | Phil 5114 S17
normative ethical theory phil 5114 spring 2017 tentative syllabus administrative information professor jada twedt strabbing office ll 921b office phone 212 636 6863 email jstrabbing fordham edu seminar wed 11 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Normative ethical theory phil spring tentative syllabus administrative information professor jada twedt strabbing office ll b phone email jstrabbing fordham edu seminar wed am pm collins hall conference room hours tbd course description we all confront moral issues and problems the aim of this is to develop ability approach them in a systematic rigorous way particular will focus on following question what makes an action right or wrong explore evaluate five theories that seek answer these questions cultural relativism divine command utilitarianism deontology virtue ethics also apply some pressing for example it spend money luxuries when other people are starving always have abortion do animals rights exploring read texts by both contemporary philosophers canonical such as mill kant aristotle required text george sher ed essential readings additional be provided blackboard evaluation final paper presentation reading responses class participation details follow you give one over semester...

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