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picture1_Ethics Pdf 231503 | Socialworkataglance

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File: Ethics Pdf 231503 | Socialworkataglance
the profession of social work at a glance this sheet will provide you with important information about the profession of social work included are the following the mission of social ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...The profession of social work at a glance this sheet will provide you with important information about included are following mission values core competencies as identified by cswe code ethics principles and standards ethical decision making process reamer i primary is to enhance human well being help meet basic needs all people particular attention empowerment who vulnerable oppressed living in poverty historic defining feature s focus on individual context society fundamental environmental forces that create contribute address problems ii rooted set these embraced workers throughout history foundation unique purpose perspective service justice dignity worth person importance relationships integrity competence constellation reflects what flow from them must be balanced within complexity experience iii council education competency description identify professional advocate for client access services worker conduct practice personal reflection self correction assure oneself accordingly ...

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