social media social work ethics voshel e m wesala a 2015 social media social work ethics determining best practices in an ambiguous reality journal of social work values and ethics ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Social media work ethics voshel e m wesala a determining best practices in an ambiguous reality journal of values and this article discusses the importance developing risk management strategies provides recommendations for ethical use workers it addresses need to stay focused on maintaining client privacy while simultaneously establishing their professional personal boundaries also highlights development comprehensive guidelines policies training that focuses effectively preparing new challenges they will confront global world profession should revise its standards practice meet presented by internet technological advances expand way think about include online reframe how confidentiality explicit practitioners help clarify some current ambiguities exist related particularly as relates well next generation during field placements discuss pirvacy review identity issues with clients content take offer alternative approproriate security appropriate means precautions before communication ce...