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...Jurnal akuntansi keuangan dan manajemen jakman issn vol no https doi org vi bpk ri audit quality in ethical perspective alfianda kurniawan chelvin nata wijaya lies azizah novika rahmadisa raden rizka aulya tazkiyah mutiara rahma tiara setra linuhung accounting study program faculty of economics and business education indonesian university bandung indonesia upi edu novikarahmadisa rizkaaulya tazkiyahmutiara tiarasetra abstract purpose the this is to see influence an research methodology uses a descriptive analysis method by collecting results previous studies that are relevant factors affect data collection begins looking for literature on related effect ethics s with keywords affecting professional search process google schoolar publish or perish riwayat artikel result findings obtained from articles indicate diterima pada maret there relationship between revisi april limitations has terms scope only focuses individual disetujui mei very broad not influenced things come but can also be...