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picture1_Ethics Pdf 231207 | Indian Ethos For Management An Analytic Study

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File: Ethics Pdf 231207 | Indian Ethos For Management An Analytic Study
indian ethos for management an analytical study 1 2 prabhat kumar pani rajesh kumar indian ethos for management means the applications of principles of management as revealed in our ancient ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Indian ethos for management an analytical study prabhat kumar pani rajesh means the applications of principles as revealed in our ancient wisdom brought forth sacred books like gita upanishads bible and quran formally body knowledge which derives its solutions from rich huge system ethics is known behavioral science it has to be culture specific basis cultural base india a country whose roots religion does draw lessons religions land hinduism buddhism or any other keywords philosophy miniaturization self introspection meditation introduction history been saga periodic confluence differing cultures leading constant adaptation synthesis eventual regeneration retention what uniquely while successful countries have developed styles consonance with their own we started waking up this reality belatedly right post independence phase development no adequate serious grass root efforts were ever made evolve processes that could tune know thyself not only upanishad exhortation but also makes sens...

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