using the elcometer 456 ipc in accordance with sspc pa2 nsi 009 32 by using the elcometer 456 industrial protective coating dft gauge you can significantly reduce inspection times on ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Using the elcometer ipc in accordance with sspc pa nsi by industrial protective coating dft gauge you can significantly reduce inspection times on blast cleaned steel substrates not only is incredibly fast each pre calibrated surface profile ranges to navsea standard item simply select appropriate from menu and ready go so switch your substrate start inspecting it s that simple taking over readings per minute fact a recent month study national shipbuilding research program found they were able measure their coatings half time of current measurement methods while still maintaining accuracy range mils displays three individual together average perfect for spot measurements speed up reporting transferring either live reading or via bluetooth usb elcomaster own software application instant report generation wherever are more information training new thickness any other products visit our website...