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picture1_Psychological Science Pdf 228259 | Repub 114362 O A

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File: Psychological Science Pdf 228259 | Repub 114362 O A
societies article developmentandvalidationofthepsychological well beingscaleforchildren pwb c suzannaj opree1 id moniek buijzen 2 and eva a van reijmersdal 3 1 erasmusschoolofhistory cultureandcommunicationeshcc erasmusuniversityrotterdam 3000drrotterdam thenetherlands 2 behavioural science institute bsi ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Societies article developmentandvalidationofthepsychological well beingscaleforchildren pwb c suzannaj opree id moniek buijzen and eva a van reijmersdal erasmusschoolofhistory cultureandcommunicationeshcc erasmusuniversityrotterdam drrotterdam thenetherlands behavioural science institute bsi radboud university gg nijmegen the netherlands m maw ru nl amsterdamschoolofcommunicationresearchascor universityofamsterdam ngamsterdam e vanreijmersdal uva correspondence eshcc eur received november accepted march published abstract research into children s psychological being is scarce fragmented to be able study predictors of advance eld reliable valid measureisneeded instudies amongadults commonly measured along six dimensions environmental mastery personal growth purpose in life self acceptance autonomy positive relations with others using ryff scale because original was too for use among we adapted its items make them suitable year olds after successful pretest conducted pilot n main totestt...

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