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File: Dca8a848 6283 B154 7e2d 43f7c7890224
special interest articles outcomemeasures for individuals with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury recommendations from the american physical therapy association academy of neurologic physical therapy tbiedge task force karen l ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Special interest articles outcomemeasures for individuals with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury recommendations from the american physical therapy association academy of neurologic tbiedge task force karen l mcculloch pt phd ncs anna lisa de joya dsc kaitlin hays dpt erin donnelly ms tammie keller johnson atp cbis coby d nirider heidi roth dhs sue saliga dhsc and irene ward background purpose use standardized outcome mea activity only measured participation oms covered sures is essential in assessing effectiveness morethanicfdomain interventions purposes this article are discussion made by describe process used assess provide clinicians researchers educators guidance psychometrics clinical utility selection these may facilitate tbi identication appropriate population consensusrecommendationsforomuseinclinicalpractice research professional entry level education make recom conclusion tbiedgetaskforce can be mendations future work when selecting their methods an member a modied d...

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