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picture1_Pediatric Balance Scale Artikel

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File: Pediatric Balance Scale Artikel
research article theperformanceofchildren developing typically on the pediatric balance scale maryrosefranjoine pt dpt ms pcs nancy darr pt dsc ncs sharon l held pt dpt ms pcs karen kott pt ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Research article theperformanceofchildren developing typically on the pediatric balance scale maryrosefranjoine pt dpt ms pcs nancy darr dsc ncs sharon l held karen kott phd brenda young daemencollege amherst new york drs franjoine and belmont university nashville tennessee dr old dominion norfolk virginia purpose to investigate pbs performance in children methods was administered per parent report aged years months results a way analysis of variance post hoc analyses identied signicant age gender differences spearman rank correlation associations betweenpbsscoresandage height weight andbodymassindex datawereanalyzedusing condence intervals means identify typical ranges for each group lower bound used outliers determine critical cut score numbers percentages scoring above below this were calculated further describe sample conclusions study provides clinician with guide lines interpretation pediatr phys ther key words factors bodyheight bodymassindex bodyweight child childdevelopment gr...

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