Umalusi matric certificate pdf Certification and Verification Umalusi verifies certificates issued for all the following qualifications: Matriculation qualifications: The Amended Senior Certificate (ASC) The National Senior Certificate (NSC) Vocational qualifications: The National Technical Certificate N3 The National Certificate Vocational (NCV) Adult Education and Training qualifications: The General Education and Training Certificate for Adults (GETC: ABET) Umalusi has records of all learner achievements from November 1992 to date. All certificates issued before November 1992 must be verified by the Department of Basic Education (Schooling qualifications) or the Department of Higher Education and Training (vocational and adult qualifications) as appropriate. The public ...
LOST/REPLACEMENT CERTIFICATE APPLICATION PROCEDURES Umalusi is responsible for the replacement of the Senior Certificate and National Senior Certificate as from September 1992. To apply for a replacement (in lieu of a lost certificate) of your Matric/Gr12 certificate, the following is required: a. A completed application form, which can be obtained at any of the Departments of Education or on the website of the National Department of Basic Education ( Applications forms must be completed taking care of the detail required, e.g. year qualifications obtained, surname and names under which the person qualified for the certificate and ...