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File: 1587108615 En
duunen adam the journal of psychiatry and neurological sciences 2011 24 283 295 researches doi 10 5350 dajpn2011240404 1 1 the validity and reliability cuneyt evren ozgul cnar 2 3 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Duunen adam the journal of psychiatry and neurological sciences researches doi dajpn validity reliability cuneyt evren ozgul cnar huseyin gulec selime celik turkish version bilge psychiatrist bakrkoy training research hospital buss perry s aggression for neurology neurosurgery alcohol drug treatment center amatem stanbul turkey questionnaire in male erenkoy ili etfal substance dependent department baltaliman state muskuloskeletal disorders inpatients abstract objective aq is a item that assesses four related categories physical verbal anger hostility aim this study factorial analysis translation was conducted method present with an adult sample consecutively admitted between may december bakirkoy education istanbul all were evaluated trait expression inventory staxi barratt impulsiveness scale bis beck depression bdi anxiety stai factor performed items cronbach alpha used to assess internal consistency provides some indication test retest also applied other instruments aggressive affec...

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