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view metadata citation and similar papers at core ac uk brought to you by core provided by elsevier publisher connector clinimetrics dizziness handicap inventory dhi description the dizziness handicap inventory ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...View metadata citation and similar papers at core ac uk brought to you by provided elsevier publisher connector clinimetrics dizziness handicap inventory dhi description the was developed propose that a total score of indicates mild measure self perceived level associated with moderate severe scores symptom jacobson newman relate well levels functional balance impairment has items response sub grouped in contrast dhisf tesio et al is scored into three domains emotional physical opposite direction respondents choose between shortened version short statements first second form reduced possible maximum where been shown compare favourably original no instructions client scoring questionnaires reliability validity sensitivity change test retest take only minutes complete require r internal consistency special training administer for demonstrated be high both one most applies them there evidence support construct each section statement instrument third sum able detect statistically significa...

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