journal of education and practice www iiste org issn 2222 1735 paper issn 2222 288x online vol 11 no 18 2020 validation of the schutte self report emotional intelligence test ...
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...Journal of education and practice www iiste org issn paper x online vol no validation the schutte self report emotional intelligence test sseit on nigerian adolescents onyeka o aniemeka department behavioural studies faculty social sciences redeemer s university osun state nigeria olutope ebenezer akinnawo bede chinonye akpunne corresponding author abstract a cross sectional survey design was adopted to validate emotions using secondary school multistage sampling technique used purposively select mean age participants made up males females from four selected schools in odeda local government areas ogun southwestern responded trait questionnaire short form teique sf observed internal consistency ssiet showed cronbach alpha coefficient spearman brown guttman split half all items scale reported acceptable goodness fit measures revealing corrected item total correlations range significant positive correlation also between concurrent validity score r p determined new norms for were scores m...