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picture1_Neck Disability Index 227659 |  Neck Disability Index

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File: Neck Disability Index 227659 | Neck Disability Index
neck disability index source vernon h mior s the neck disability index a study of reliability and validity j manipulative physiol ther 1991 sep 14 7 409 15 neck disorders ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Neck disability index source vernon h mior s the a study of reliability and validity j manipulative physiol ther sep disorders are significant pain activity limitation in workers those involved motor vehicle collisions ndi is designed to measure specific questionnaire has items concerning activities daily living including personal care lifting reading headaches concentration work status driving sleeping recreation be given patient complete can provide useful information for management prognosis with scoring interpretation each item scored out five no response score giving total higher scores represent greater result expressed as percentage by doubling clinical guidelines best practice acute chronic whiplash associated indicate that about patients recover less than four weeks six have recovered recommend use screen risk factors evaluate treatment effectiveness an at initial assessment first consultation following injury ongoing after this alert practitioner potential need more regular r...

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