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picture1_Bedford   Minimum   2014 09 01

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Bedford Minimum 2014 09 01

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Residential car parking standards for use class c minimum as set out in table below will normally be required new build extensions to existing buildings which result an increase bedroom number or rooms capable of additional bedrooms need provide the corresponding spaces that size property these apply family houses include up occupants living together a single household per dwelling vehicle visitor unallocated space except where over total provision street block flats example is controlled zone no layouts addition above at regular intervals convenience visitors and accommodate requirements swept path vehicles only garages comply with areas this design code count shall have internal area m can either length width obstructions wheelchair accessible dwellings garage door widths least feet clear unobstructed double regardless how much provided ports not if they doors gates unless there driveway front open allow parked highway should metres access by driver passenger newly constructed conver...

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