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File: Confidence Pdf 227505 | 477378 None 19f2ab2b
jpd jurnal pendidikan dasar doi doi org 10 21009 jpd 010 14 p issn 2086 7433 e issn 2549 5801 pengembangan self confidence pada siswa sd dendi indra rosidin universitas ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Jpd jurnal pendidikan dasar doi org p issn e pengembangan self confidence pada siswa sd dendi indra rosidin universitas indonesia dendiindra upi edu mamat supriatna matsupri nandang budiman abstract this article aims to identify or assess the of elementary school students based on results a review bandura theory and recent research scope study these problems includes concept factors formed processes that affect development benefits kajisan content are expected be able support in developing learning strategy findings observation there is still loss especially when faced with challenges new situations process takes place certainly low sense through various smart efforts can develop more developed strategies approaches better foster method used discussion uses literature latest keywords abstrak artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi atau mengkaji mengenai hal rasa percaya diri terhadap yang berdasarkan hasil tinjauan dari teori serta penelitian terkini adapun ruang lingkup dikaji pe...

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