File: Self Compassion Pdf 227336 | Compassion Fatigue Handout 6
Handout 6 What is Compassion Fatigue? There is a cost to caring. Professionals who listen to the stories of fear, pain and suffering of others may feel similar fear, pain ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Handout what is compassion fatigue there a cost to caring professionals who listen the stories of fear pain and suffering others may feel similar because they care especially vulnerable cf include emergency workers counsellors mental health medical clergy advocate volunteers human service if you ever as though are losing your sense self clients serve be from concept emerged only in last several years professional literature it represents about for traumatised people emotional residue exposure working with particularly those consequences traumatic events work must contend not normal stress or dissatisfaction but also personal feelings burnout associated hassles involved very cumulative relatively predictable frequently vacation change job helps great deal different state tension preoccupation individual trauma manifested one more ways including re experiencing event avoidance numbing reminders persistent arousal although critical incident being by something actually experience see absor...