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picture1_Motorcycle Pdf 227288 | Dh Part8 E

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File: Motorcycle Pdf 227288 | Dh Part8 E
hat er motorcclist must no 8 8 ee moocclis m s no it is an offence to carry passengers on the handle bars frame or tank of the motorcycle it ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Hat er motorcclist must no ee moocclis m s it is an offence to carry passengers on the handle bars frame or tank of motorcycle also cling attach yourself your vehicle any other moving while driving otorcycle driver licence if you hold a may not drive highway ecept taking eamination unless contains endorsement permitting o ualify first pass vision screening written test then road he eam obtain consists ten uestions ou answer eight correctly well will be reuired write basic and sign tests eipment raes very euipped with brake each wheel eadliht ne more than three headlights are ear la rae liht have rear lamp light hese same icence plate illuminated muffler in good working order andlebars securely fastened eceed cm inches height as measured vertically from its point attachment at oot rests foot which used normal sitting position by operator passenger where for carrying earie mirror give view least feet orn horn capable being heard eat do has been so designed goles advisable that both drive...

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