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...Board of technical education punjab block allama iqbal town lahore l a kashmir ext rnvw nbte ed u pk t el rd qa section ref no pbte dated lp to whom it may concern is informed that school certificate matric tech being offered by the boards e jucation in country has been declared equivalent secondary ssc matriculation relevant group inter committee chairrnen ibcc ministry govt pakistan copy enclosed since subjects physics chemistry mathematics are vis d general tl ltl class therefore said progranr science secreta ffi ffik kqu ivak mr ch determination educational qualifications equivalence for hssc levels nrrrrt r irrrirry stlrllc c vcrs g gcncrully lirrrtt itge tcltitrittot y ltttcl tttctlilrtc eo crs ycltr ltt tlrt cgurse sl yertls witl specillizltit rrr ol arts ot tlre scieuce irt tlte sccttttcl itrrtl tlti ycl s nirtistrt ilcl ucutiorr con ucts cenerit secottclitry ex ntrt i rritt ion sr rttcnc lrrtttt rrstittrtion autlx tv on cspottd tt uli rtt nt ist irrt first crlrttlltt o dclucrr...