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picture1_Pdf Certificate Online 226183 | Fccc Annexure A

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File: Pdf Certificate Online 226183 | Fccc Annexure A
annexure a professional teaching experience certificate for fellowship certificate courses director mentor title of the course applied for felloship course in cytopathology this to certify that dr rangrao hanmantrao deshpande ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 28 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Annexure a professional teaching experience certificate for fellowship courses director mentor title of the course applied felloship in cytopathology this to certify that dr rangrao hanmantrao deshpande has worked department pathology b k l walawalkar rural medical college training centre as per following details general total period designation from year months junior march december years resident assistant professor associate till date actual subject concerned it is mandatory attach self attested photocopy each subjectof sign stamp head dean principal institute joint replacement surgery shreerang m joshi orthopaedics y senior spine sunil manohar nadkarni month jan dec registrar june surgeon july sho orhopaedics may jun gen oct feb april aug consultant mar fellow sr...

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