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picture1_Pdf Certificate Online 226108 | 1 Item Download 2023-02-28 20-51-14

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File: Pdf Certificate Online 226108 | 1 Item Download 2023-02-28 20-51-14
reference no e104 1 77 date 02 12 92 02 12 1992 lp sick leave medical certificate dear personnel officer discussions have taken place with the staff side concerning the ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 28 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Reference no e date lp sick leave medical certificate dear personnel officer discussions have taken place with the staff side concerning procedures to be followed when a head of department is not satisfied evidence produced by an in support application for pay expressed concern about certain cases where they maintain that was stopped without any warning concerned following those it would appear some clarification ofthe procedure such required clear from circular production ofa does itself entitle grant which matter referred chief and he decides adequately establish unfit work normal cmo seek further usually way doctor report having considered has formed opinion acting on discharged onus establishing s duty period been sought should still absent decision made informed told will specified absence continue beyond afforded opportunity disagree submit examination or nominated fee forsuch paid bythe but refunded examining conclude fit this also employed fails reasonable cause furnish may wit...

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