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File: Technical Snehroad
73 annexure i b technical specifications of plant machinery comprising process plant for alcohol from molasses steam generation power plant effluent treatment plant carbon dioxide plant other utilities to produce ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 27 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Annexure i b technical specifications of plant machinery comprising process for alcohol from molasses steam generation power effluent treatment carbon dioxide other utilities to produce klpd total spirit absolute rectified along with give zero discharge the following evaporation integrated stand alone spent wash captive clean in place cip is provided so as maintain hygienic conditions fermentation steps distillation and evaporatiouring cleaning schedules continuous operation plants description proposed distillery r s recover bye product capacities shall be given below mw production by using sachramyces cervisiae or equivalent yeast developed slant supplied vendor batch modified mode comprises development strain about three stages followed prefer enter stage then final at end after due settling mud washing pumped section min v strength impurities are removed heads impure conducted multi pressure vacuum order keep temperatures low also conserve on consumption adequate condenser eliminate...

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