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picture1_Epd Ceramictiles Gruppo Bardelli 2022(1)

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File: Epd Ceramictiles Gruppo Bardelli 2022(1)
environmental product declaration as per iso 14025 and en 15804 owner of the declaration confindustria ceramica programme holder institut bauen und umwelt e v ibu publisher institut bauen und umwelt ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 27 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Environmental product declaration as per iso and en owner of the confindustria ceramica programme holder institut bauen und umwelt e v ibu publisher number epd coi icg eco ref no issue date valid to italian ceramic tiles www com https online produktdeklaration name des herstellers produkts general information viale monte santo panoramastr sassuolo modena italy berlin germany declared unit m tile average this is based on scope category rules document refers an panels manufactured by s member companies pcr tested approved svr lca data were collected in within members association study has involved primary plants that represent production final results are representative shall be liable for underlying evidence not with respect manufacturer life cycle assessment evidences verification cen norm serves core independent according prof dr ing horst j bossenmayer internally x externally president burkhart lehmann matthias schulz managing director verifier appointed description methods a extrusi...

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