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picture1_Injection Moulding Process Pdf 225117 | 79265 Item Download 2023-02-27 07-25-19

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File: Injection Moulding Process Pdf 225117 | 79265 Item Download 2023-02-27 07-25-19
approachestoidentify relevant process variables in injection moulding using beta regression and svm 1 1 2 1 1 shailesh tripathi sonja strasser christian mittermayr matthias dehmer and herbert jodlbauer 1production and ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 27 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Approachestoidentify relevant process variables in injection moulding using beta regression and svm shailesh tripathi sonja strasser christian mittermayr matthias dehmer herbert jodlbauer production operations management university of applied sciences upper austria wehrgrabengasse steyr greiner packaging international gmbh greinerstrasse kremsmuenster keywords scrap rate prediction abstract this paper we analyze data from an to identify key which inuence the quality output available machines provide information about run time setup parameters measurements different through sensors additionally have total produced number parts rst step analysis preprocessed by combining sets for a whole then extracted features used as input modeling predictive employed three models with backward selection boosting regularization radial kernel all these set common affect rates introduction duction scraps can be higher due many uncontrolled or their com is regarded most important binations studies are bas...

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