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picture1_Plastic Pdf 224871 | Ext Market Report Plastic Recycling Europe Ecoprog

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File: Plastic Pdf 224871 | Ext Market Report Plastic Recycling Europe Ecoprog
picture credits left der grune punkt duales system deutschland gmbh photographer thomas mayer upper right dan race fotolia com lower right der grune punkt duales system deutschland gmbh the european ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 27 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Picture credits left der grune punkt duales system deutschland gmbh photographer thomas mayer upper right dan race fotolia com lower the european market for plastic sorting and recycling extract locations plants backgrounds estimations cologne september ecoprog demand in europe will increase significantly years to come by with an estimated capacity of million tons be commissioned this is a growth number about today has almost active however portfolio not large enough as becomes increasingly important eu waste framework directive main driver msw have undergo material recovery no member state yet reached goal which creates financial challenges many countries south largest potential france spain italy are three populous states lot catching up do management systems that considered more advanced also reach quotas complying targets holds e g true netherlands denmark austria sweden norway these withdraw wastes from thermal order their capacities expanding or building additional at already exi...

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