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picture1_Expanded Polystyrene Pdf 224860 | Ds131 Expanded Polystyrene Eps Insulation Board Specifications

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File: Expanded Polystyrene Pdf 224860 | Ds131 Expanded Polystyrene Eps Insulation Board Specifications
expanded polystyrene eps insulation board specifications ds131 1 scope 1 1 this specification covers the type physical properties and dimensions of expanded polystyrene insulation board intended for use in dryvit ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 27 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Expanded polystyrene eps insulation board specifications ds scope this specification covers the type physical properties and dimensions of intended for use in dryvit exterior finish systems eifs covered by is regulated building codes applicable documents astm standards c standard rigid cellular thermal d test method tensile adhesion plastics measuring minimum oxygen concentration to support candle like combustion index e surface burning characteristics materials boards inc requirements suppliers quality control manual inspection procedures molders supplying icc es ac acceptance criteria foam plastic hold harmless indemnification agreement terminology description terms specific system a nonload bearing wall cladding consisting an adhesive or mechanical attachment substrate integrally reinforced base coat on face protective applied accessories that interact form energy efficient which affixed creates layer continuous pb class where varies thickness depending number layers reinforcing mat...

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