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picture1_Additive Manufacturing Process Pdf 224298 | 208760

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File: Additive Manufacturing Process Pdf 224298 | 208760
international scholarly research network isrnmechanicalengineering volume2012 articleid208760 10pages doi 10 5402 2012 208760 review article areviewofadditivemanufacturing kaufuiv wongandaldohernandez departmentofmechanicalandaerospaceengineering university of miami coral gables fl 33146 usa correspondenceshouldbeaddressedtokaufuiv wong kwong ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 27 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...International scholarly research network isrnmechanicalengineering volume articleid pages doi review article areviewofadditivemanufacturing kaufuiv wongandaldohernandez departmentofmechanicalandaerospaceengineering university of miami coral gables fl usa correspondenceshouldbeaddressedtokaufuiv wong kwong edu received may accepted june academiceditors n anifantis and f findik copyright k v a hernandez this is an open access distributed under the creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use distribution reproduction in any medium provided original work properly cited additive manufacturing processes take information from computer aided design cad le that later converted to stereolithography stl process drawing made software approximated by triangles sliced containing each layer going be printed there discussion relevant their applications aerospace industry employs them because possibility lighter structures reduce weight transforming practice medicine making easi...

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