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picture1_Industrial Pdf 223882 | L 01(sm)(ia&c) ((ee)nptel)

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File: Industrial Pdf 223882 | L 01(sm)(ia&c) ((ee)nptel)
module 1 introduction version 2 ee iit kharagpur 1 lesson 1 introduction to industrial automation and control version 2 ee iit kharagpur 2 lesson objectives to define automation and control ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 26 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Module introduction version ee iit kharagpur lesson to industrial automation and control objectives define explain the differences in sense of terms relation between information technology underline basic a manufacturing industry how technologies relate these introduce concept product life cycle various phases classify plants categorise different classes systems that are appropriate for understanding title course let us first three key words namely general term is defined as follows definition systematic economic activity could be related manufacture service trade this we shall concerned with industries only word derived from greek auto self matos moving therefore mechanism move by itself however apart original automated also achieve significantly superior performance than what possible manual power precision speed operation set results machines without significant human intervention achieves encyclopaedia britannica application tasks once performed beings or increasingly would otherwi...

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