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picture1_Metal Casting Process Pdf 223662 | Publication 1 1951 6172

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File: Metal Casting Process Pdf 223662 | Publication 1 1951 6172
1 lecture 2 basics of metal casting 2 1 casting methods metal casting process begins by creating a mold which is the reverse shape of the part we need the ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Lecture basics of metal casting methods process begins by creating a mold which is the reverse shape part we need made from refractory material for example sand heated in an oven until it melts and molten poured into mould cavity liquid takes cooled solidifies finally solidified removed large number components designs use every day are reasons this include can produce very complex geometry parts with internal cavities hollow sections b be used to make small few hundred grams size thousands kilograms c economical little wastage extra each re melted d cast isotropic has same physical mechanical properties along any direction common examples door handles locks outer casing or housing motors pumps etc wheels many cars also heavily toy industry e g planes so on table summarizes different types castings their advantages disadvantages wide range metals sizes shapes low poor finish tolerance engine blocks cylinder cost heads shell better accuracy higher production limited connecting rods gear ...

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