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picture1_Computer Integrated Manufacturing Pdf 223540 | 471hw1

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File: Computer Integrated Manufacturing Pdf 223540 | 471hw1
i me 471 spring 2008 homework 1 solutions chapter 13 1 what is a manufacturing system answer the definition given in the text is the following a manufacturing system is ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...I me spring homework solutions chapter what is a manufacturing system answer the definition given in text following collection of integrated equipment and human resources whose function to perform one or more processing assembly operations on starting raw material part set parts name four components as listed are production machines plus tools fixtures other related hardware handling computer coordinate control preceding workers operate manage three classifications terms worker participation can be classified manually operated semi automated fully five functions that must provided loading work units at each station positioning unloading from transporting between stations systems comprised multiple workstations temporary storage prevent starving difference fixed routing variable consisting always flow through same sequence this means identical similar enough transported variety different sequences processes assembles types cases product briefly define single model batch mixed case all p...

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