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picture1_Manufacturing Process Pdf 223461 | Ijirt147613 Paper

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File: Manufacturing Process Pdf 223461 | Ijirt147613 Paper
february 2019 ijirt volume 5 issue 9 issn 2349 6002 a review experimental investigation on lsaw large diameter pipes using the j c o process 1 2 3 gautam vinzoda ...

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...February ijirt volume issue issn a review experimental investigation on lsaw large diameter pipes using the j c o process gautam vinzoda v patel kishan maheshwari me student merchant engineering college at basna mehsana india assistant professor febrication engineer abstract this article considers analysis procedures when compared to uoe steel for longitudinally submerged arc welded pipe manufacturers in china can produce more sizes via control of high forming accuracy as thus od mm thickness and efficiency well balanced distribution length m with stress manufacturing technology is having superiority developed s seamless strongest amongst all type moulding first major mill it has homogeneous structure throughout edge or planning after pre bending by longitudinal side then order stamping each step are basic principles three manufactured verity size point considered one most significant schedule however there restriction deformation characteristics jcoe analysed which geometry widely use...

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