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picture1_Plastic Extrusion Process Pdf 223444 | 36 Eie36

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File: Plastic Extrusion Process Pdf 223444 | 36 Eie36
issn print 2320 3765 issn online 2278 8875 international journal of advanced research in electrical electronics and instrumentation engineering an iso 3297 2007 certified organization volume 5 special issue 1 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Issn print online international journal of advanced research in electrical electronics and instrumentation engineering an iso certified organization volume special issue march national conference on recent trends ncrte k st nd organized by department adhiyamaan college hosur tamilnadu india a review control plastic extrusion process s siva subramanian durga r loshni v dinesh kumar assistant professor eie tamil nadu ug student kumaraguru technology coimbatore abstract the is well known for industries but also accepted pharmaceutical with use we can increase solubility bioavailability it has proven to be robust method investigates about application genetic algorithm design implementation fuzzy logic controller flc membership function generated human operators this develops system that may help users determine using ga optimization fastest processing completing problems keywords i introduction been challenging many manufacturers researchers produce products meeting requirements at lowest ...

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