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picture1_Manufacturing Process Pdf 223202 | 48090 Item Download 2023-02-25 07-36-17

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File: Manufacturing Process Pdf 223202 | 48090 Item Download 2023-02-25 07-36-17
forest products success story manufacturing tissue paper products using a high content of recovered office papers new manufacturing process for tissue paper reduces energy use while increasing use of recovered ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Forest products success story manufacturing tissue paper using a high content of recovered office papers new process for reduces energy use while increasing benefits is traditionally made from mix industrial waste increased postconsumer and preconsumer to pulp sub must go through total feed stock deinking before being blended with the erving mills decreased purchased electric inc manufacturers napkin as raw power by kwh yr material wanted find way more lower reduced pulping temperatures costs increase amount recycled in their resulting fuel savings gallons oil voc emissions due help u s department nice national solvent requirements competitiveness environment economics program has successfully demonstrated an improved applications method primarily without compromising product this project specifically addresses value quality helped technical challenges facing used finished decrease industry these specific volatile organic compound reduce are centered on cost bleach effectively material...

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