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picture1_Manufacturing Technology Pdf 223192 | Chapter 6   Production Management

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Manufacturing Technology Pdf 223192 | Chapter 6 Production Management

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Production management abstract of clothing is inevitably transforming into a flexible agile manufacturing which aims to track the dynamic changes fashion modern business system should be capable designing rapidly have ability for because new models apparel products quick adjustment capacities technology integration and with increased variants in required quantities this can achieved by organization such as just time toyota systems total quality lean keywords jit tqm garment industry order secure survival turbulent environment it necessary meet customer requirements respect price delivery term these criteria fulfilled only restructuring existing introducing changing forms participation motivated workers over past few years concepts been developed japan usa germany most are simultaneous engineering fractal process reengineering virtual today manufacturers faced request able offer wide variety customers leading trend s world development based competition concept on faster than obm origina...

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