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...Glass ceramics their production from wastes ress d rawlings rees department of materials imperial college london south kensington swy bp uk abstract are fine polycrystalline that produced by the controlled crystallization devitrification a fundamental principles presented briefly and various processing methods for described in light these two examples discussed detail slag steel fly ash incineration keywords flyash abstrak pembuatankeramikgelasdarilimbah keramikgelasadalahbahanpolikristalberbutiran halus yang diperoleh melalui proses kristalisasi gelas devitrifikasi dalam makalah ini prinsip dasar tersebut diuraikan secara singkat berikut beberapa teknik pembuatan dari contoh produksi ceramic gelasdiuraikansecaradetail bahanlimbahberasaldariindustribajadanabuhasilproduksiinsenerasi katakunci keramik introduction glassesaremetastable non crystallinematerials different precursor parent it follows andtheprecursorforglass ceramicsare thatthecompositionoftheresidualglassisalsodifferent grai...