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picture1_Manufacturing Pdf 223093 | 1615621827

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File: Manufacturing Pdf 223093 | 1615621827
principles of engineering production i me 134 lecture 07 ceramic manufacturing industry lecture 07 ceramic manufacturing industry 1 introduction the term ceramics is derived from the greek keramos meaning burned ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Principles of engineering production i me lecture ceramic manufacturing industry introduction the term ceramics is derived from greek keramos meaning burned earth and used to describe materials pottery are defined as a class inorganic nonmetallic solids that subjected high temperature in manufacture or use most common composed oxides carbides nitrides traditional refers products produced unrefined clay combinations refined powdered granulated non plastic minerals often refer which content exceeds percent classifications sometimes generic for contain not structural technical refractory purposes whiteware ware white ivory light gray color after firing further classified earthenware stoneware chinaware porcelain vitreous semivitreous fine texture made primarily nonrefractory fire some combination clays fluxes silica when fired has properties like applications include artware chemicalware cookware drainpipe kitchenware tableware tile zero low absorption nontechnical ovenware sanitaryware g...

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