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picture1_Opto 225 Lec 2 Pdf

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File: Opto 225 Lec 2 Pdf
ophthalmic lens materials lecture 2 ophthalmic lens materials before 300 years ago all lenses are made from glass but from 300 year till 1938 the virtually single vision lenses were ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Ophthalmic lens materials lecture before years ago all lenses are made from glass but year till the virtually single vision were particular variety of known as crown which has an index refraction for any refracting material with a uniform refractive power to bend light rays increases thickness also assuming different highest will refract more powerfully other varieties like flint first used special purposes such making reading segments in bifocals recently high have pervaded market general use bifocal and multifocal manufacture optical glasses fabrication properties what is optically homogeneous free defects striae bubbles functionalities example form or prisms types quality developed by otto schott jena germany around he invented ba enabling corrected chromatic aberration compositions traditional usually based on multi component silicates including heavy elements pb la gd ta nb basic fall into two categories dispersion normally containing pbo low often main barium silica sand sodium o...

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