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picture1_Industrial Pdf 222931 | 10626 Item Download 2023-02-25 05-07-20

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File: Industrial Pdf 222931 | 10626 Item Download 2023-02-25 05-07-20
world academy of science engineering and technology international journal of industrial and manufacturing engineering vol 5 no 5 2011 flexible manufacturing system peter kostal karol velisek the main advantage of ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...World academy of science engineering and technology international journal industrial manufacturing vol no flexible system peter kostal karol velisek the main advantage is abstract a that able its high flexibility in management production facilities to respond changed conditions general this resources time machines their utilization etc divided into two key categories several subcategories first largest application these systems area small category so called machine which enables make batch where efficiency getting near various products by given machinery second mass disadvantage routing enabling execute same operation implementation price usually consist three parts cnc tools transport control achieve project goals it necessary revise curriculum higher level represented use such teaching forms methods enable intelligent exceed scope cognitive knowledge scientific disciplines professions means develop keywords drawing free competencies students gains extraordinary robot material flow si...

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