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picture1_Manufacturing Process Pdf 222910 | Lecture1423905304

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File: Manufacturing Process Pdf 222910 | Lecture1423905304
lectures notes on manufacturing science and technology prepared by dr punyapriya mishra dr pragyan paramita mohanty assistant professor department of mechanical engineering vssut burla sub manufacturing science technology i rd ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Lectures notes on manufacturing science and technology prepared by dr punyapriya mishra pragyan paramita mohanty assistant professor department of mechanical engineering vssut burla sub i rd semester module introduction improved civilization is due to quality products proper selection design as well process from raw materials finished goods classification processes a casting b forming c fabrication d material removal metal one the oldest shaping methods known means pouring molten into mould with cavity shape be made allowing it solidify when solidified desired object taken out either breaking or taking apart called also foundry advantages any intricate can produced possible cast both ferrous non tools are very simple expensive useful for small lot production weight reduction in no directional property limitations accuracy surface finish not good final application difficult remove defects presence moisture cylindrical bocks wheels housings pipes bells pistons piston rings machine tool b...

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