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picture1_Manufacturing Technology Pdf 222895 | Fetproduction Technolognqf4

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File: Manufacturing Technology Pdf 222895 | Fetproduction Technolognqf4
further education training certificate production technology course information market information saqa id 58779 target market production assistant production controller production nqf level 4 supervisior plant controller administration clerk operators learnership ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Further education training certificate production technology course information market saqa id target assistant controller nqf level supervisior plant administration clerk operators learnership duration months operations co ordinator stock controllers receiving staff credits industries manufacturing engineering contact sessions minimum session including remediation if required and portfolio building for this qualification is days accrediting seta related services mentor requirements must have at least years sector authority experience working within machine environment workplace approval merseta purpose learners be exposed to all outcomes the combination of learning that comprise will provide qualifying learner with vocational knowledge skills appropriate context provides range measure control improve factors influencing able perform a series activities support contribute budgeting processes in an operational unit acquire optimise resources identification parameters solve problems proc...

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