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picture1_Industrial Pdf 222870 | Leoni Item Download 2023-02-25 04-37-01

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File: Industrial Pdf 222870 | Leoni Item Download 2023-02-25 04-37-01
world class manufacturing and productivity an assessment of the literature riccardo leoni february 2012 abstract the paper presents a literature review of the characteristics of a new form of work ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...World class manufacturing and productivity an assessment of the literature riccardo leoni february abstract paper presents a review characteristics new form work organization known as wcm with respect to traditional taylor fordist its impact on analysis is primarily developed reference firms focusing particularly roles established by organizational design based processes high involvement practices positive industrial relations ict technologies while also considering their complementarities configuration that emerges effective in line lean production paradigm insofar it characterized innovative bundles different ingredients but pursuit efficiency performance enables employer or manager choose weights variety possible combinations superior this acclaimed number econometric studies highlights some methodological questions remain open should be resolved jel code l d keyword firm innovation department economics h p minsky university bergamo italy financial support from affiliated gratefully...

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