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picture1_Manufacturing Process Pdf 222813 | Chapter2  Cim Introduction

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File: Manufacturing Process Pdf 222813 | Chapter2 Cim Introduction
introduction to computer integrated manufacturing cim 1 flexible manufacturing system fms 2 variable mission mfg vmm 3 computerized mfg system cms four plan concept of manufacturing cimsystemdiscussed computernumericalcontrol cnc directnumericalcontrol ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Introduction to computer integrated manufacturing cim flexible system fms variable mission mfg vmm computerized cms four plan concept of cimsystemdiscussed computernumericalcontrol cnc directnumericalcontrol dnc computerprocesscontrol computerintegratedproduction management automatedinspectionmethods industrial robots etc acimsystemconsistsofthefollowingbasic components i machine tools and related equipment ii material handling mhs iii control iv human factor labor cimsbenefits increased utilization reduced direct indirect reduce lead time lower in process inventory scheduling flexibility cimrefers a production that consists agroup nc machines connected together by an automated materials operating under whycims systems volumn transfer part yr lines cimsystem stand alone ncmachine variety different parts is very efficient when producing identical large volumes at high product rates are ideally suited for variations work configuration special manfuacturing cell the least it designed prod...

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