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picture1_Design For Manufacturing Pdf 222750 | Dfma Lecture Notes

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File: Design For Manufacturing Pdf 222750 | Dfma Lecture Notes
lecture notes on design for manufacturing and assembly course code a70339 iv b tech i sem jntuh prepared by mr a venu prasad assistant professor mechanical engineering institute of aeronautical ...

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...Lecture notes on design for manufacturing and assembly course code a iv b tech i sem jntuh prepared by mr venu prasad assistant professor mechanical engineering institute of aeronautical autonmous dundigal hyderabad unit introduction what is dfma the concept dfm manufacture not new it dates back as early when leblanc frenchman devised inter changeable parts in muskets which previously were individually handmade practice designing products keeping mind means ease collection that will form product after similarly dfa called with so combination shown figure definition used three main activities basis concurrent studies to provide guidance team simplifying structure reduce costs quantify improvements benchmarking tool study competitors difficulties should cost help control negotiate suppliers contracts commitment during phases process decisions made very little terms overall but have major effect you cannot compensate defects introduced phase be conducted develop quality competitive shorte...

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