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picture1_Manufacturing Pdf 222639 | 62a3d5fc20075b1f16d2b5a1 Ceti Overview Pulppaper Rev

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File: Manufacturing Pdf 222639 | 62a3d5fc20075b1f16d2b5a1 Ceti Overview Pulppaper Rev
washington state manufacturing sector overview pulp and paper industry description seen in figure 1 meaning emissions resulting from the paper and paperboard manufacturing involves processing combustion or decomposition of organic ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Washington state manufacturing sector overview pulp and paper industry description seen in figure meaning emissions resulting from the paperboard involves processing combustion or decomposition of organic material wood recycled products other sources cellulose this is due to use bio based fuels fibers into ultimately end such as pulping liquor waste many facilities integrate also shows annual direct reported making processes but some are standalone non integrated while have been mills production decreasing over past five years reductions greenhouse gas footprint part economy wide caused by covid pandemic there with metric tons carbon dioxide equivalent industrial process decarbonization co e together these producing first requires turning raw accounted for roughly million materials three dominant s highest emitting manu kraft sulfate sulfite mechanical six facturing examined project petroleum seven largest refining chemical account cooking chips sodium on most recent inventory more sul...

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