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picture1_Industrial Pdf 222537 | 264786 Additive Manufacturing At Industry 40 A E655ee3f

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File: Industrial Pdf 222537 | 264786 Additive Manufacturing At Industry 40 A E655ee3f
international journal of engineering and technical research ijetr issn 2321 0869 o 2454 4698 p volume 8 issue 8 august 2018 additive manufacturing at industry 4 0 a review dr ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...International journal of engineering and technical research ijetr issn o p volume issue august additive manufacturing at industry a review dr diogo jose horst charles adriano duvoisin rogerio de almeida vieira abstract is the recent move into intelligent term stands for fourth industrial technology automation in this new era use modern skills revolution which defined as level organization within context information control over entire value chain life cycle integration plays an important role products it geared towards increasingly individualized economic competitiveness short provides basic customer requirements still visionary but understanding dp realistic concept including internet things iot can bh vhhq wkhuh v qr grxew wkdw whfkqrorjlhv duh leading to next major due its ii smart sm versatility key cloud based cbm concerns saving time costs being decisive process strict human efficiency reducing complexity allowing rapid so have continuous improvement focus on prototyping highly d...

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