iLogic Vessel Tutorial CADD Management Solutions This tutorial will take you through the steps required in developing an iLogic vessel in Inventor 2011. Once complete, the files created can be used in production, and modified as required by your company. It is broken into six phases: Part Parameter Configuration Assembly Parameter Configuration Head Component Development Shell Component Development Skirt Component Development Vessel Assembly Development You will need Inventor 2010 with the iLogic addin installed (available from Autodesk if you’re on subscription) or Inventor 2011. It will take about 90 minutes to complete, and requires a basic understanding of Inventor ...
AN INTRODUCTION TO AUTODESK® INVENTOR® ILOGIC INTRODUCTION This tutorial will provide you with a hands-on introduction to the Autodesk® Inventor® iLogic Extension. iLogic extends the computational capabilities within Inventor to include rules. These rules work along with the parameter update mechanism of Inventor, and allow you to include much more sophisticated design intent into your models. Traditional parametric modeling involves driving geometry with dimensional parameters. These parameter values can be input directly by the user, or can result from fixed equations involving other parameters or even linked spreadsheet values. Using rules in a parametric model allows for conditionally-defined equations. These ...
iLogic Basis Deze tutorial is een vertaling van een Autodesk Inventor tutorial die met de software meegeleverd wordt. BW 1 / 27 iLogic Basis 1. INLEIDING........................................................... 4 1.1. DOELSTELLINGEN....................................................... 4 1.2. VEREISTEN................................................................. 4 2. VOORBEREIDING OM PARAMETERS TOE TE VOEGEN...................................................................... 5 3. EEN NUMERIEKE PARAMETER TOEVOEGEN...........6 4. EEN TEKSTPARAMETER TOEVOEGEN.................... 7 5. EEN TRUE/FALSE PARAMETER TOEVOEGEN..........8 6. PARAMETERFILTERS VASTLEGGEN....................... 9 7. EEN REGEL OPSTELLEN WAARMEE JE EEN FEATURE KAN ONDERDRUKKEN (FEATURE SUPPRESSION RULE) 10 RULE EDITOR..................................................................... 10 PARAMETERS TOEVOEGEN AAN EEN REGEL........................11 CODEFRAGMENTEN ...