digital controller with defrost and fan management 3 3 control of evaporator fans the fan control mode is selected by means of the fnc parameter xr70cx fnc c n fans ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Digital controller with defrost and fan management control of evaporator fans the mode is selected by means fnc parameter xrcx c n will switch on off compressor not run during o even if general warning after there a timed delay allowing for drip time set fnd description y controlling loads continuously also front panel commands max min temperature memorization an additional fst provides setting detected probe main functions above which are always this used to make sure circulation air only his parameters lower than in inputs forced activation ttl serial line monitoring systems function managed fct designed avoid short cycles that could x rep output optional happen when switched or room warms installation mounting how it works difference between electrical connections higher value be disabled use hot key cyclical alarm signals working parallel fon fof technical data can carry out default values stopped go remain please read before using manual part product should kept near instrument ea...