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picture1_15 Item Download 2023-02-22 08-03-14

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File: 15 Item Download 2023-02-22 08-03-14
NERDSearch: UsingFamiliarGameplayMechanics for Linguistic Annotation AdwaitDeshpande Nischay Ghattamraju Reverie Language Technologies Mendix adwait.deshpande@reverieinc.com nischay.ghattamraju@mendix.com Abstract Wepresent a linguistic annotation game with a purpose (GWAP) for a ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Nerdsearch usingfamiliargameplaymechanics for linguistic annotation adwaitdeshpande nischay ghattamraju reverie language technologies mendix adwait deshpande reverieinc com abstract wepresent a game with purpose gwap named entity recognition task the employs familiar word search puzzle mechanic annotating low resource languages this ensures that lesser time is spent on instructing players allowing us to quickly dive into labeling new data another advantage ability deploy in commercial setting provides wider audience than most other serious games we also use techniques such as inter rater reliability of user input ensure high quality and sanity work progress hope inspires designers existing improve adaptability introduction humanscaneasily complete computationally challenging tasks using innate perceptual or commonsensereasoning gwaps are designed an intent harness humanability assist computers entertain increasingly being used large scale varying complexity fun alternative usually labo...
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