File: Aedcop Adobe Acrobat Dc Pro Pdf Testing And Remediation Guide
how to create test and remediate pdfs for section 508 conformance using adobe acrobat dc pro module 0 background and introduction background in october 2012 subject matter experts from several ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...How to create test and remediate pdfs for section conformance using adobe acrobat dc pro module background introduction in october subject matter experts from several federal agencies established the accessible electronic document community of practice aed cop with goal improving content advancing field accessibility creating testing authoring artifacts that are reusable across many as a part this effort course was created assist individuals remediating portable format or guidance provided is based on baseline guide pdf checklist authored by more information download latest gain access detailed process visit www gov please note does not support evaluating life cycle documents nor it apply contain scripts millions each year post online one most popular formats used publish web file type choice these maintain common look feel regardless device view them unfortunately majority do comply rehabilitation act which law stating all computer technology must be persons disabilities if conformant...